Solutions for the Future

    Because of the population challenges, vital steps are needed to be taken to solve these problems and allow Switzerland to become a greater nation. One of the solutions is to increase the amount of immigration into the country. This will help support the tax base as the population pyramid moves upwards, providing for a better and more stable economy, as well as benefiting for the overall population. (CIA 2010) Another solution would be to keep the same or even decrease the amount of elders as they seem to be rising at a fast rate when compared to the rest of the population. A final solution to Switzerland's population challenges is to encourage birth of children through government funding for these children and prevention of birth control. This would allow for a more balanced population and for the population pyramid to actually resemble a pyramid. As well, the decreasing rate of growth of children could be fatal when contrasted to rest of the increasing population. (Britannica) Although Switzerland is a highly sustainable country, these solutions will lead it to even greater success.